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Review: Is Healy World is a legal opportunity to earn good money? What is Healy?

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Welcome to the Healy World review!

We will check what is the holistic Healy device? Is Healy World, one of the fastest growing

companies in the network marketing industry in the past 10 years, it a scam? And how does the Healy wonderful device work?

I am also going to research and review information about the company, products, compensation plan and what exactly is the frequency therapy they are proposing.

At first, I searched websites. Network marketing experts say on the web sounds optimistic:

“Look, I made millions of dollars in network marketing and was really enjoying my early retirement.

But what I have to say about Healy World is that I was very impressed and very excited about the possibilities Healy offers. In addition, it fits every aspect of what I am looking for in the company ... "

Healy World - What's This?

“..Healy World is a company that offers one of the best products I have ever tried that helped ease the pain from a knee injury I had many years ago. ''

And in fact, the Healy device, which I test, turns out to be working great. The migraine, which had not been relieved by painkillers in the past, and I could only lie in a quiet and dark room, went away after less than 22 minutes of therapy. Miracles?

Exactly, what is Healy?

Healy offers frequency therapy that provides amazing benefits for chronic disease, body balance, weight control, sleep aid, pain relief, and more.

First of all, it is a medical device registered in Germany in EU class IIa with stringent legal conditions that must be met on that medical market. It has approvals and scientific research for proven performance as a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, bone pain and migraine, as well as for complementary therapy of mental diseases such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders.

As for the very opportunity to earn money from it, Healy World also offers the MLM Multi-Level Marketing option, which gives you the opportunity to share and sell the product and the opportunity to earn a large monthly income as extra work from home.

Healy User Reviews:

What can we learn from a survey of Healy users:

Healy User Reviews:

Best money spent in my life! Or rather, money invested. I feel better, the pains are gone and my concentration and memory have improved. I work more efficiently and have more time for my hobbies! Filip, 35 years old

I am very pleased! Even though I'm only after 45 days - this Healy device has already exceeded my expectations. The improvement in my health that I gained over those 6 weeks has already changed my quality of life drastically for the better. Agnieszka, 56 years old

It is very easy to implement changes with Healy, because the device works in a very practical way, intuitively selecting programs and in addition in such a small, handy version. A very nice idea that I hope will change not only my life, but many people who will benefit from it. Bartek, 31

Healy changed our lives. This is our first "way" when we need any kind of treatment, be it pain or stress in our body, fatigue, digestive upset, calming the children's nervous system or increasing their ability to overcome local viruses, etc. I was skeptical. on MLM setup and never planned on selling online but sold 3 in the first month of using it just genuinely sharing my stories and inspiring others. For me, it gave me a solution to problems that I didn't have before. Now that we have Healy, I feel much more confident and can take care of myself and my family.


Sounds very promising as a product.

The next questions we want to answer are:

Is Healy World A Scam Is A Legal Opportunity To Make Extra Money?

This is one of the questions everyone wants to know answered, as I mentioned earlier. Based on my online observations and experiences, I think that:

No, Healy World is not a scam !!

The company offers all the requirements you need to be a successful company in this market:

  • Professional and experienced owners

  • One of the most amazing products I have tested and the reviews I have found about it on the Internet

  • Honest and amazing compensation plan

  • Great overall business structure for long term growth

  • Long-term company (since 2008)

One of the best things I really like about this company is how much research and learning has gone into creating the Healy product.

But most importantly, I tried Healy myself and it just works.

So no, Healy World is not a scam , it is a real company with an amazing product.

Informations about company

One thing I like to see browsing any business on the internet that gives you the opportunity to earn money selling a product and building a sales team is who owns it.

To understand what Healy World is all about, we must first focus our research on TimeWaver.

TimeWaver is the company that started the product movement of Healy and has attracted the attention of so many people.

TimeWaver offers a full-size, large device that you can't carry and take with you. The Healy, on the other hand, is a mobile version of the device that is small but offers the same healing benefits as the larger unit.

Healy World is owned and CEO by Marcus Schmieke.

He is also the inventor and developer of the TimeWaver / Healy system.

In 2007, he developed the first TimeWaver system together with the Russian physicist Nikolai Kozyrev and the work of Burkhard Heim.

Here are some of Marcus's achievements:

  • He has developed further professional medical systems for measuring heart rate variability and information field focused frequency therapy, all of which are based on his achievements in information field technology.

  • He has also written over 20 books on the connection of mind and matter and other spiritual and scientific topics.

  • He is the founder of the Institute for Applied Consciousness Research (IACR) in Berlin, where together with several international physicists he studies the interactions between matter and consciousness.

  • For several years he was visiting professor at Dev Sanskriti University in Haridwar, India.

Currently, Marcus works and lives in his Kränzlin Castle near Berlin.

This is all the information we can find at a glance about the company and some of the owner's fascinating achievements.

The management team also includes: Frank Deyle - Chief Sales Officer Healy World Martin Wittmann - Chief Product Officer Healy World

Another man with extraordinary visions contributed to the creation of Healy:

Nuno Nina is a Portuguese researcher and practitioner. Nuno runs seven private clinics, most of them in Portugal. His main interests are frequency applications and cell biology.

Nuno's experience with thousands of clients has enabled him to compile theories and findings from his research into a collection of 144,000 so-called "golden frequencies". When he first encountered TimeWaver technology years ago, he immediately suggested combining it with frequency capabilities to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

And that's how Healy was born.

What Products Does Healy World Offer?

In this part of the review, we take a look at the products that Healy World offers.

The main and most fascinating product I have come across for a long time is the aforementioned Healy - a mobile frequency therapy device. It communicates with your cells and finds the appropriate - at the moment - frequency.

There is also Healy Watch. is a watch that measures your heart rate, heart rate variability, i.e. HRV, ECG with parameter evaluation, e.g. length of individual segments, blood pressure, with health warning function, monitoring of physical activity, pedometer, calorie expenditure, sleep duration, sleep quality, i.e. the number of REM phases, adjusts nutrition to your health condition and vitamins or minerals you need, plans physical activity, takes care of weight control and the level of relaxation. He gives important suggestions in the application to compensate for the disorders he has measured.

What is Healy?

The Healy device offers applications that help you keep fit, bioenergetically regenerate, reduce pain, improve concentration, affect your skin, cleanse the body. Its task is to support you in stressful situations during the day, facilitate regeneration and find peace in the evening.

Healy is designed to help you increase your vitality, improve the flow of your energy reserves and activate your energy reservoirs.

Healy offers individual programs that can support you in the following ways:

  • Pain / Psyche

  • Its

  • The golden cycle

  • Mental balance

  • job

  • Skin

  • Learning

  • Fitness

  • Beauty

  • Meridiany

  • Chakras

  • Bioenergetic balance of organs and systems

  • Protection programs

Healy frequency programs can support you in just 20 minutes of application, no matter where you are: playing sports, relaxing, at work, at home or on the road.

How does Healy work?

The main principle of Healy is " If the cell is healthy, the person is healthy" and is based on the theory of Becker and Nordenstrom, according to which many diseases or dysfunctions in the body are caused by unnaturally lowered cell membrane tension.

This means that the voltage difference between the inside of the cell and the space between the cells is too small. A healthy cell shows a value of around -70 mV or millivolts.

A voltage potential lower than this normal (physiological) value leads to disturbances in cellular metabolism and often causes various diseases and health problems.

By introducing currents into the body, Healy is designed to bring cell tension back into a healthy (physiological) range.

Frequency therapy is designed to regulate this voltage potential. This explains why frequency therapy has a procedure that can be used for a wide variety of conditions.

Here are some of the published studies that were found:

Ból ogólne: Pooperacyjne: Rockstroh, W. Schleicher, F. Krummenauer; The benefit of microcurrent therapy applied during inpatient follow-up treatment in patients after implantation of a total knee replacement - A prospective randomized clinical study; Rehabilitacja 010, 49: 173-179

Muscle aches: Curtis; S. fallow; M. Morris; C McMakin; Effectiveness of frequency specific microcurrent therapy in the treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness; Body and Movement Therapy Journal; 2010 Juli; Elsevier

How To Use Healy Frequency Therapy Device?

The device itself is very intuitive. Small, portable, uncomplicated and easy to charge. It is enough to download the free application to the phone to gain access to the frequency programs.

Program packages do not require extensive specialist knowledge. On the application panel, you select the problem that is currently bothering you, and the device automatically switches it on and selects frequencies specially selected for you and your problems on the basis of biofeedback. While the program is running, the time remaining to the end and the power are shown, which can be changed according to individual feelings.

You can download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Just find the Healy app and download it.

Follow the instructions on the app and pretty much everything will be set up.

2. Sync your Healy device with your smartphone

To connect your Healy device to the app, simply turn on the device and then connect it via the Bluetooth settings on your smartphone.

In the Healy app, the instructions will be clearly stated so that you can follow them and make sure everything is connected properly.

3. Start your frequency program

The Healy app will display a list of available programs that you can start using.

Each program will have its own frequency to help different areas of the body.

The app will also tell you how long each program setting will take to complete the frequency therapy.

Then just run the program and let the device do its magic.

You can even increase the intensity if needed.

Healy Notes:

Healy is a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, bone pain and migraine, as well as for the adjunctive therapy of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders. All other uses of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence within the meaning of conventional medicine.

What options for Healy packages can I choose?

Healy Gold edition - the basic programs of Nuno Nina's Golden Cycleare truly comprehensive solutions: for support and prevention, for cleansing oneself from negative influences, for optimal energy balance, emotional balance, well-being and relaxation.

  • Pure - this program is designed to help your energy field recover from the bioenergetic effects of environmental poisons, toxins, unhealthy food and other negative factors.

  • Care - means "caring". We believe a weakened bioenergy field is the cause of many acute and chronic diseases. Create optimal conditions for the healing process and prevent many bioenergy disorders.

  • Energy - who needs to be efficient needs regular support. Regardless of whether it is a competitive athlete, a stressed manager or a mother in this case, "Energy" is to help us counteract bioenergetic stress.

  • Being - What Balance can do for the body, Being can do for the soul. It is to help us regain emotional balance.

  • Balance - The delicate balance of various bodily activities is very important to your well-being. "Balance" refers to the bioenergetic balance of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system and hormones and is ideal for a deep bioenergetic balance of your own energy field.

  • Relax - relaxation and anti-stress effect, turning off and getting rid of everyday stress, because stress is often the cause of acidification of the body and loss of balance. Our experience has shown that many diseases are caused by prolonged stress.

  • Release - pain has various, often very different causes. May be a symptom of tissue acidification. In addition to the Healy analgesic programs, you can also use the "Release" program of Nuno Nina's golden cycle. Work systematically in the body's bioenergy field, regardless of where exactly the pain occurs.

When buying Healy Gold, we get a free program group of our choice (at the time of ordering), and moreover, we get a free group of cleansing programs called "Deep Cycle - Deep Cycle". You can buy another package of programs at any time (just enter the SN number of the device on its back in the order).

Healy Holistic Health consists of Healy, Nuno Nina's golden cycle and 8 further groups of programs:

  • The Golden Cycle

  • Pains / Psyche

  • Bioenergetic balance 1

  • Bioenergetic balance 2

  • Mental balance

  • Meridiany 1

  • Meridiany 2

  • Its

  • Skin

Everything is here: You get Healy Holistic Health and 6 further program groups, thus a total of over 120 Healy programs!

  • The Golden Cycle

  • Pains / Psyche

  • Bioenergetic balance 1

  • Bioenergetic balance 2

  • Mental balance

  • Meridiany 1

  • Meridiany 2

  • Its

  • Skin

  • Science

  • Fitness

  • job

  • Beauty

  • Chakras

  • Protection programs

The Healy Resonance edition includes Healy Holistic Health Plus, i.e. over 120 Healy frequency programs, and additionally the Healy Analyze analytical application with the resonance and aura module. Thanks to the analysis by the Resonance Healy module, doctors, biotherapists and other healthcare professionals can, after an MRI analysis, help their patients or clients choose appropriate dietary supplements, foods, etc., if necessary. But also "normal" people can carry out analyzes for themselves and for your family. However, we recommend that a doctor or therapist assist them if necessary. Another useful tool in this edition is the Aura module for Haely. With it, you can analyze the real energy state of a person in the energy field; then, after analyzing the emotional background, you can identify appropriate optimization measures. The resulting optimization patterns can be used with Healy on a variety of products to balance emotional blockages. In addition to the use of drugs, many patients and therapists take advantage of it.

And now to the matter:

How does the Healy World Compensation Plan work?

Healy is not only a companion on your way to better well-being, it can also change your life from a professional perspective. As a Healy World Member you can build attractive additional earnings but also long term passive income.

In this part of the review, we take a look at how the compensation plan works and how you can earn money with Healy World opportunities.

You can make money with Healy World by selling the product to customers at a retail price as well as recruiting a team of affiliate members.

The bigger your team is, the more you earn.

The Healy World Opportunity is based on a point system that will determine the amount of money you can receive taking into account aspects of what the compensation plan structure offers.

To get started you need a SPONSOR to add you to the Healy World association.

You can find it at this link :


7 Ways To Earn In Healy World

There are a total of 7 ways to earn with the Healy World Compensation Plan which are:

  1. Commissions for a quick start

  2. Unilevel Commissions

  3. Binary commissions

  4. Matching Bonus Commissions

  5. Mobility Commissions

  6. Special incentives

  7. Commissions from the Leadership Bonus Pool

Below is a description of how you can earn money with these 7 methods that Healy offers.

But first, let's discuss ways to earn points, which are the main factor affecting what you earn.

Points For Selling Healy Appliances Packages

When a new member or customer initially buys one of the Healy appliances from you, points will be credited to you.

These points describe how you earn money with Healy's ability.

The first way to earn points is to sell a product.

Here is a breakdown of the points you'll earn by selling the Healy:

  • Healy Gold (€ 497.00 to purchase) - You will earn 250 points by selling this device at this bundle level.

  • Healy Holistic Health (€ 997.00 to purchase) - selling this device at this package level will earn you 600 points.

  • Healy Holistic Health Plus (€ 1,497.00 to purchase) - selling this device at this package level will earn you 900 points.

  • Healy Resonance (2497.00 € to purchase) - selling this device at this bundle level will earn you 1400 points.

Points Earned For Advancing Members and Clients

  • When your members and clients switch from Gold to Holistic Health (price will be € 547.00) - earn 250 points when this update is released.

  • When your members and customers switch from Gold to Holistic Health Plus (price will be € 1097.00) - Earn 500 points when this update is made.

  • When your members and customers switch from Holistic Health to Holistic Health Plus (price will be € 547.00) - Earn 250 points when this update occurs.

  • When your members and customers switch from Holistic Health Plus to Healy Resonance (price will be € 1097.00) - earn 600 points when this upgrade occurs.

How to earn points in programs and application modules

  • Gold Cycle (€ 122.00 to purchase) - When one of your personal team members / customers buys this package you will earn 50 points.

  • Pain / Psyche (€ 94.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this bundle you will earn 40 points.

  • Tuition (€ 96.00 to buy) - When one of your team members / customers buys this pack you will earn 40 points.

  • Fitness (€ 97.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / clients buys this package you will earn 40 points.

  • Work (€ 82.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / clients buys this package you will receive 30

  • Sleep (54.00 € to purchase) - When one of your teammates / customers buys this pack you get 20 points.

  • Beauty (€ 94.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this bundle you will earn 40 points.

  • Leather (€ 75.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this pack you will earn 30 points.

  • Mental Balance (99.00 € to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this package you will earn 40 points.

  • Bioenergy Balance 1 (€ 210.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this package, you will earn 80 points.

  • Bioenergy Balance 2 (€ 210.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this package you will earn 80 points.

  • Meridians 1 (€ 122.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this bundle you will earn 50 points.

  • Meridians 2 (€ 122.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / customers buys this bundle you will earn 50 points.

  • Chakras (€ 85.00 to purchase) - When one of your teammates / customers buys this pack you get 30 points.

  • Resonance module + Aura of protection programs (€ 97.00 to purchase) - When one of your team members / clients buys this package, you will receive 40

What's the difference between customers and members?

There are several differences between clients and a real affiliate who can make the most of Healy's compensation plan.

As a full affiliate member, anyone who joins you is automatically marked as a client member when they first start.

In order for a client to become an Affiliate Member, they must also decide to begin recruiting clients for the program.

Once a client recruits a client, you as a client will become a member and also be placed in the recruiter's binary leg.

** Customer points also only count towards the single tier payout structure.

Healy World Ranks

One of the most important ways to earn more money in a Healy World business is to rank higher.

The ranks are divided into your qualifications which you achieve within the structure of the compensation plan.

You will be able to raise your rank by recruiting more members, earning more points across your team, and sponsors who qualify for a higher rank.

When you qualify for a higher rank, you will open up to additional bonuses and commissions.

Here's a breakdown of each rank Healy World offers and the qualifications needed to achieve them:

  • Customer - The person who buys the Healy device.

  • Member Rank - To be eligible for this rank, you must recruit 1 client.

  • Builder Rank - To qualify for this rank, you must recruit 2 members from the rank and have a total of at least 600 Team Points.

  • Team Leader Rank - To qualify for this rank, the qualifications from the previous rank will apply, but you will also need a total team score of 2,000 and have at least 1 builder rank member or higher in both branches of the binary structure.

  • Senior Team Leader Rank - To qualify for this rank, the qualifications from the previous rank will apply, but you will also need a total team score of 4,500 and have at least 1 team leader ranked or higher in both branches of the binary structure.

  • Manager rank - To qualify for this rank, previous rank qualifications will apply, but you will also need a total team score of 10,000 and have at least 1 senior team leader member or higher in both binary branches. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited member of the builder ranking in one of the binary legs.

  • Senior Manager Rank - The previous rank qualifications will apply to qualify for this rank, but you will also need a total team score of 22,000 and have at least 1 member with a manager rank or higher in both branches of the binary structure. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited ranking builder member in both legs of the binary structure.

  • Executive rank - To qualify for this rank, the previous rank qualifications will apply, but you will also need a total team score of 50,000 and have at least 1 manager rank or higher member in both branches of the binary structure. Additionally, you must have at least 1 Personally Recruited Team Leader in both branches of the binary structure.

  • Senior Director Rank - To qualify for this rank, the qualifications of the previous rank apply, but you will also need a total team score of 100,000 and have at least 1 member with a manager rank or higher in both branches of the binary structure. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited manager ranked in both branches of the binary structure.

  • Vice President rank - To qualify for this rank, the qualifications from the previous rank will apply, but you will also need a total team points of 200,000 and have at least 1 member with a director rank or higher in both parts of the binary structure. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited senior manager in both branches of the binary structure.

  • Senior Vice President rank - To qualify for this rank, the qualifications from the previous rank will apply, but you will also need a total team points score of 400,000 and have at least 1 senior director member or higher in both branches of the binary structure. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited CEO in both branches of your binary structure.

  • CEO rank - To qualify for this rank, the previous rank qualifications will apply, but you will also need a total team score of 800,000 and have at least 1 vice president or higher in both branches of the binary framework. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited senior director in both branches of the binary structure.

  • Senior President rank - To qualify for this rank, the previous rank qualifications will apply, but you will also need a total team points score of 1,500,000 and have at least 1 CEO member or higher in both legs of the binary structure. Additionally, you must have at least 1 personally recruited vice-manager in 1 branch of your binary structure, and 1 personally recruited senior director in each branch of your binary structure.

Qualifying Ranking Members with whom you must qualify must reach that rank in the same cycle.

Quick Commissions and Bonuses

The Healy Fast Start promotion helps motivated and committed new Healy World members easily take their Healy edition to the next level, thus gaining access to a higher direct bonus.

If you join the program from the "Healy Gold" level and are able to recruit 3 new members within 30 days, you will automatically be promoted to the "Healy Holistic Health" level.

And if you already own the Healy Resonance edition and get 3 new Healy World members or customers, each of whom will buy the Healy Edition or DNSC bundle, you are holding the next Healy Resonance edition with accessories (maximum one edition during the quick start period).

PLUS EXTRA "Cash Bonus": During the Fast Start period, you will receive an additional cash bonus for each edition of Healy Holistic Health sold (or higher) - even for just one sale!

for Healy Holistic Health sold you get an extra bonus of 25 €

for Healy Holistic Health Plus sold you get an extra bonus of 50 €

for Healy Resonance sold you get an extra bonus of 100 €

If you enter the Fast Start period with a Healy Watch (but not the Healy Edition), you immediately qualify for a direct 30% bonus. Get your own Healy Gold Edition by acquiring 3 Healy World Members / customers buying the Healy Holistic Health Plus or Resonance Edition. This version of the Fast Start promotion is also possible if you do not have a Healy edition or a Healy watch. In this case, you will receive a reduced direct bonus of 8% (cash bonus is excluded).

As a regular Healy Gold member, you will receive 20% commission from the unilevel compensation plan.

As an upgrading member of Healy Holistic Health, you will receive 22% of the salary from the single tier compensation plan.

If you are able to recruit 3 more in addition to the original 3 and 6, you will be taken back to the next tier with an extra percentage that you can earn from the one-tier compensation plan.

Customer Points

When customers recruit customers, you will receive 10% of the customer points that have been collected.

You can exchange these points for additional programs offered by Healy.

Unilevel Commissions

The single tier compensation plan is paid weekly.

Customers and members get paid for the unilevel subscription.

Commissions are paid on the sales amount of the products and programs offered by Healy.

Depending on the level of the device you're on, it depends on how many percent you can earn from that sale.

For those unfamiliar with how the unilevel compensation plan works, here is a quick rundown:

  • Level 1 - The first tier of your Level 1 Compensation Plan will only include Personally Recruited Members.

  • Level 2 - The second level of your Level 1 Compensation Plan will only include team members who have been personally recruited by Level 1 members.

  • Third Level - The third level of your unilevel compensation plan will only have team members that have been personally recruited by your level 2 members.

and so on…

This is how a single tier compensation plan works.

Here's a breakdown of the percentage you can earn based on your product level:

  • Healy Gold - at this level you earn 20% from unilevel.

  • Healy Holistic Health - At this level you will earn 22% from unilevel.

  • Healy Holistic Health Plus - At this level you earn 24% of unilevel.

  • Healy Resonance - at this level you will earn 26% from unilevel.

Binary Commissions

The main way Healy World pay most of their commission is by using the binary structure of the MLM compensation plan.

For those unfamiliar with how the binary compensation plan structure works, here is a quick rundown:

Binary files only have 2 legs.

Each leg counts for its own points or volume

Healy pays their binary commissions weekly.

To qualify for these commissions, you must have 1 Personally Recruited Member per Stage.

You are paid out using pivot points from the leg that has fewer points or volume each week.

After the commission is paid, the relevant points that were used to pay the commission are deducted.

Any remaining points or volume on the stronger leg are carried over to the next week.

The binary payout will be 15% of all sales made on the weaker leg and paid out every week.

Seems like the payout is 1: 1, so if one leg is 100 and the other is 1000, you will get a payout of 100.

After the commission is paid, 100 of both branches will be taken and the remaining volume will be carried over to the next week.

Matching Bonus Commissions

Matching Bonus are commissions that you can earn from your team by using a one-tier compensation plan structure.

These commissions are paid weekly and are based on your teams' binary earnings each week.

The rank you qualify for on the Healy World Compensation Plan will determine how many levels of your unilevel compensation plan you can get paid for, as well as the percentage of what those team members earn from binary earnings each week.

Here's a breakdown of how much matching bonus you can earn from your teammates' binary earnings:

  • Customer - as a customer you are not entitled to receive relevant commissions.

  • Member Rank - At this rank you are not eligible for the relevant bonus.

  • Builder Rank - At this rank you are eligible to earn 10% of all Personal Level 1 earnings of your Unilevel Compensation Plan.

  • Team leader rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1 and 3% from all team members on level 2.

  • Senior Team Leader rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1 and 5% from all team members on level 2.

  • Manager rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1, 5% from all team members at level 2 and 3% from all TMs at level 3.

  • Senior Manager rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1, 5% from all team members on level 2 and 5% from all TMs on level 3.

  • Director rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1, 5% from all team members at level 2, 5% from all TMs at level 3 and 3% from all TMs at level 4.

  • Senior Director rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1.5% from all team members at level 2, 5% from all TMs at level 3 and 5% from all TMs at level 4.

  • Vice President rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1, 5% of all TMs at level 2, 5% of all TMs at level 3, 5% of all TMs at level 4, and 3% of all TMs at level 5 .

  • Senior Vice President rank - at this rank, you can earn 10% from level 1.5% of all team members at level 2.5% of all TMs at level 3.5% of all TMs at level 4.5% of all TMs on level 5 and 3% of all TMs at level 6.

  • CEO rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1, 5% from all team members at level 2, 5% from all TMs at level 3, 5% from all TMs at level 4, and 5% from all TMs at level 5 , 5% on all TMs at level 6 and 3% on all TMs at level 7.

  • Senior President rank - at this rank you can earn 10% from level 1, 5% of all TMs at level 2, 5% of all TMs at level 3, 5% of all TMs at level 4, and 5% of all TMs at level 5.5% of all TMs at level 7 and 5% of all TMs at level 8.

Mobility Commissions (Monthly)

Healy World Mobility Bonus is paid monthly.

This is the type of residual income that the company pays when you qualify.

Eligibility for this bonus is based on your eligible position with the company.

You can start earning these commissions once you reach the rank of Manager.

Here's a breakdown of what you'll earn when you reach the rank of Manager or above:

  • Manager Rank - At this rank, you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 25.

  • Senior Manager Rank - At this rank, you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 75.

  • Director Rank - At this rank, you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 125.

  • Senior Director Rank - At this rank, you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 250.

  • Vice President Rank - At this rank, you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 325.

  • Senior Vice President rank - at this rank you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 375.

  • Presidential Rank - At this rank, you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 425.

  • Senior President rank - at this rank you will receive a monthly mobility bonus of € 500.

The Mobility Bonus will start to be paid from the second month you qualify for the rank.

As long as you maintain your rank, you will earn.

If you can qualify for a higher rank, you must also maintain that rank and the company will start paying you a Mobility Bonus from the second month onwards.

Special incentives

Healy World brings together 2 great events that you can attend, 1 is a semi-annual event, then a huge annual event.

The company also offers additional incentives that the company announces, including exotic vacation trips.

Leadership Bonus

The Leader Bonus is a commission pool that you can earn along with every other qualifying member for that bonus.

Healy World will set aside 1% of the achieved sales volume to the entire company and will be distributed to the "Top Leaders" of the company's quarterly.

The "top leaders" identified by the company are yet to be determined.

This is all about how the compensation plan works and how you can earn money with Healy World opportunities.

Healy World Q&A section

In this part of the review, we will answer some of the questions that may arise when considering joining Healy World.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Healy World?

The cost of joining Healy World to earn an opportunity the company offers will be at the expense of the device.

Healy World offers several different options which are:

Healy Gold - 497,00 €

Healy Holistic Health - 997,00 €

Healy Holistic Health Plus - 1497,00 €

Healy Resonance - 2497,00 €

To qualify for commission, you just need to start referring others who make a purchase.

There is no better opportunity to buy Healy than now !!

If you've been thinking of buying a HEALY now is the time! The Ultra Black Friday Promotion can also be a great gift for you, your friends and family on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas.

After all, this year there is nothing more important than your health!

On Black Friday, head over to the Healy World website for the Black Friday WEEKS event!

From November 21, 2020 to December 7, 2020, buy the higher edition and pay only for the lower one!

Buy any of the following:

Healy Holistic Health for the price of Healy Gold

Healy Holistic Health Plus included in the price of Healy Holistic Health

Healy Resonance included in the price of Healy Holistic Health Plus

If you already have Healy, you can update them cheaper:

• Upgrade from Healy Gold to Healy Holistic Health Plus for the price of Healy Holistic Health

• Upgrade from Healy Gold to Healy Resonance for the price of Healy Holistic Health Plus

• Upgrade from Healy Holistic Health to Healy Resonance for the price of Healy Holistic Health Plus


  1. All updates are automatic - no promo code needed.

  2. Remember to add the TARGET (better) edition of the device to the cart.

  3. You will receive the PV (Personal Volume) of the product you originally bought (and paid for); However, your Direct Bonus Percentage will be calculated based on the "bigger" product you received!

Remember, this offer will not last! The number of new devices is limited to the 8,000 available for this special offer. When they separate, they will disappear! (ONLY upgrades are available for purchase without restrictions).

* Promotion period from 11.21.20 00:01 CET to 07/12/20 23:59 CET

The promotion is valid in the USA, European Union, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia and Turkey. Important: You cannot change your Back Office details to sign up for the promotion in a participating country.

How to register :

My Summary and Thoughts on Healy World

In the last part of the review, we're going to share some final thoughts on the possibilities in Healy World.

We researched and reviewed amazing information about the company, products and compensation plan.

It follows that Healy World is a legitimate long-term opportunity that offers a great product that many people can benefit from.

At this point, you should know what this opportunity is, how it works, what they offer and how you can make money with it.

There are many bioresonance devices on the market today that are designed to help consumers with a number of benefits. Not all of them are as modern and easy to use as Healy, which is further approved by regulators after continuous research and evaluation.

In connection with recent events in our world, more and more people are reaching for unconventional, holistic natural medicine solutions.

Moreover, HealyWorld devices have endless positive reviews and people have specified that it helps and works to help with pain relief.

Do I Recommend The Opportunity To Use Healy World?

YES absolutely!

I found out that Healy works as a device, I recommend it to others. I know how popular it will be. I know that there are so many people who would benefit from using this product because I know that it works, is modern, compact and does not require specialist knowledge, and it brings spectacular health effects.

This is the medicine of the 21st century. Fashionable and practical, versatile and cheap.

The Healy product contains scientific data, research and documentation to support all the claims that can be found out on the Internet.

Healy is not only a companion on your way to better well-being, it can also change your life from a professional perspective. As a Healy World Member you can build attractive additional earnings, but also long term passive income.

Hope you enjoyed the Healy World review!

If you found this review helpful, please click the buttons and share it with others so people can find out exactly what Healy World is really about.

Become part of the unique and highly qualified team of Healy health promotion specialists! We offer attractive earnings prospects, both part-time and full-time, as well as:

Innovative product portfolio

Growing market segment

Leading product quality for over 10 years.

The highest level of management and corporate culture

Excellent level of customer satisfaction

Attractive earning opportunities

Constant training

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